Thursday, March 26, 2009


Ok, so I am annoyed. I had a big long post written out about what a fun outing we had taking bluebonnet pics, and as I went to post the pics, it disappeared!!! I am so annoyed, and don't feel like retyping it. So, in a nutshell, we had a great time, glad we got it in before the nasty weather. Pics turned out great, blah blah, here they are - ha ha, enjoy :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Houston Rodeo

We finally made it to the rodeo! We will definitely be making this an annual event for the Picketts. The only thing to be changed is that we will not be going over spring break. It was too crowded! Despite the crowds, the weather was perfect and we all had a blast. Check out my cute buckaroos!

St. Patricks Day

The leprechaun came to visit us for St. Patti's day! He made such a mess! He flipped over pillows pulled out all the toilet paper stuck the stool in the sink, and so much more! He even played in the toilet and made the water green! That crazy leprechaun. To make up for it, he left notes and "gold" around the house. He even left Luke a nice big prize for all the trouble he caused. We spent the day wearing green clothes and chasing that tricky leprechaun! We had a lot of fun. I know I am nuts, but we used to do it in my classroom when I taught and I thought Luke would appreciate it this year. He sure did, he got into it and we chased that leprechaun all over. Too bad he blamed everything on him ("that leprechaun must have left all my toys out") ha ha. This is such a fun age! (That picture is him finding a note among the strewn pillows, and checking out the green in the toilet)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am trying to be better about posting things, at the request of my very wonderful friend Alicia, so I have been making an effort. I took some super cute pictures the other day. A few from bath time with daddy. They prefer him to give them baths, you will see why as soon as you see the picture. Daddy believes that the more bubbles you have, the cleaner they become. Oddly, I do not agree. But the kids love it, and I love having the night off every now and then, so I shut my mouth!! There is also a funny picture of Ella with several of her bows in her hair. She was just playing around while I was cleaning her room, and this is what came of it. Enjoy!

Rodeo time

It is time in Houston for the rodeo. Luke's school had rodeo days last week, so Luke got dressed up in his cowboy best. He looked so adorable.

Although daddy came home to watch Ella so I could help out at Luke's school, she wanted to get dressed up too. She has two western outfits, but since it was cooler that day (unlike the next day- go figure) we chose the warmer one. Nana bought her this for her birthday. The boots light up on the sides, and the jeans are sporting fringe!! I just love girl clothes!

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Visit from Nana

Nana came to stay with us while Jay was in Norway. It was a great treat! We had a blast. We went to the zoo, to the rainforest cafe, to lunch. We did many things we had been wanting to do with Nana and hadn't had the time for in previous visits. It makes us really miss her more, but at least we are in the same state, right (is that convincing cause I don't believe it either - ha ha). These pics are from the Rainforest Cafe in the Katy Mills mall, and the Houston Zoo. Getting a membership at the zoo was one of our best decisions! The pic of the bear was hilarious. He was lying like that at the bottom of the gulley in the front of his habitat. If you didn't know any better you would swear he fell down and landed like that!!!!We also got to see the new baby giraffe this visit, so cool. Thanks for coming Nana, we had a wonderful time!! FYI Luke 3yrs 8 mos, Ella 13mos.

Here goes....

Ok, so I have been viewing all of the blogs of my friends and others and thought they were adorable! I decided I would take a crack at it for myself. I am not so sure how to do this, so I am just going to do it. I really enjoy sharing fun things about my family with others, and I love reading about their adventures too. My family is my number one priority these days, so I just thought I would share some of what goes on with us. We are so blessed to have two beautiful children, and a happy home.
With the beginning of this new year we have Luke at school two days a week, at St. Laurence Catholic church. He loves going, and enjoys playing with his friends there (mommy enjoys the time off too). Luke also has soccer practice once a week and games on Saturday mornings. This is hilarious! Luke loves soccer, just not the games. He is doing great though, and we love going.
Jay is well into his "civilian" job, and loves it. He is really doing wonderful, which is why he works a lot! The traveling is crazy, with places like Dubai, Aberdeen, and Singapore, but it is a heck of a lot better than year long deployments! We are very proud of him, and I am grateful to be allowed to stay at home with the kiddos.
Ella is fabulous! She is getting so big, which I am in denial of because I keep buying her clothes to small (we went to the zoo when she was 8months old and I bought her a 6month size tshirt). I guess I am just not ready to have two big kids. She is crawling all over the place, and loves standing. When she stands up, she is so happy until she realizes she doesn't know how to get down. Check out her new stand up toy! On a side note, you will never catch Ella with out a bow on top. I took her out at St. Patricks day when she was only a few months old, and she was called a boy. I vowed it would never happen again, so she has been a "bowhead" ever since.
Well, I have babbled enough for the first one of these. Let's see how long until I actually do another. :)